Friday, November 12, 2010

A photo a day

I'm going to try to turn this into a "photo a day" blog. I'm trying this out because I want to improve my (perhaps non-existent) photography skills. The reason why I didn't just go ahead and change the title to "A photo a day" is because I have no idea if I'm ever going to keep to -- a photo a day. I'll probably just put one photo up for all eternity. I won't have to feel guilty because this is supposedly a "random photos and videos" blog!

I have a feeling that this will disintegrate into a blog of photos from random parts of my apartment. Oh lazy, procrastinator, me.

Ok, here's today's photo. It's a ridiculously small photo of the moon.

 I swear, I couldn't do much better than this. It was taken with a 50mm lens -- I need more zoom!

To make up for the puniness of this photo, I'll include a photo taken a few days back.
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That's my 3 month old guppy fry in mid swim. He's about an inch long.

Hey, that's 2 photos already! Ok, I cheated.

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