Saturday, January 8, 2011

A walk in the park

I have the fortune of living next to a foresty jungly park area. I decided to take a short walk in the area directly behind my apartment block, just to see if I could take some nice plant or bird photos. To my surprise, I saw so much more than I expected. I had to stop myself from taking more photos, there were so many things to see and capture. I need to go back a bunch more times!

There's a sign pointing to the boardwalks in the park area; the languages are representative of the main races of this island.

I saw a few birds, here are two photos. One is of the ever-present yellow vented Bulbul (yes, he lives up to his name), and the other is of a Kingfisher.
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I saw two squirrels:

Here are two types of flowers that I saw. I have no idea what either of them are. I was especially intrigued by the pink one that looked like it was a cross section.

One of my favorite trees here in Singapore is the cannonball tree. It gets its name from its cannonball-like fruit, I would imagine. Those things can get to the size of a basketball. It has interesting waxy flowers. Here are the flowers:
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And here is a hilariously suggestive pair of cannonballs:
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