Saturday, December 4, 2010

Birds, at last!

I've been hoping to either get photos of the moon, or of birds just outside my balcony, but so far I haven't been able to. Well, I got a quick couple of photos of birds in the trees outside the balcony today. The photos are not good (lighting, focus), but I'm hoping that I'll get some nicer ones as I improve.

I think this bird is called a Bulbul:
Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMug

This is just a Mynah, but I thought it was funny when he was puffing his feathers up.
Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMug

Unfortunately, I didn't focus well, plus there is some motion blur. Birds are tricky, I keep feeling afraid that they'll fly away. At least my fish can't leave the tank. Well, not by swimming, anyway.

I got two zebra nerite snails today, to help clean the algae walls of my planted tank. You bet there are going to be photos of them pretty soon!

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