Monday, December 6, 2010

Cherry Red Shrimp

I tried to get a nice photo of the smaller Nerite snail today, but they all turned out blurry. Such is the challenge of taking photos through aquarium glass. So instead, here are a few photos of my cherry red shrimp. I must have over 100 in there now. I started out with about 10. They're industrious little critters, always cleaning up something or other. And they're really small, about 1 cm long.

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Yes, I know that I overdid the contrast here. It was a failed attempt to visually separate the shrimp from the overly busy background.

This is my favorite. It looks the shrimp is climbing a tree somewhere outdoors.

Singapore is a good place for an aquarium hobbyist. One of the stores I go to is actually open all year round, 24 hours a day! I have yet to go at an odd hour like say, 3 am. I wonder if people go there after a drunken night out and purchase fish.

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