Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A flower and me!

I finally managed to take my camera out with me, by sneaking it in my large "new" handbag. I have been using my old and tattered bag for a long, long time, but I finally switched bags just so I could cram in a DSLR with a decent length lens (eg. my 55-250mm). I was still deathly afraid of people staring at me, so I would whip out the camera quickly from my bag, snap, and swiftly return it to its hiding place.

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Because of my fear, I didn't manage to shoot any decent photos. Here's a photo I kind of liked, but I didn't have time to compose or to focus properly. I set the aperture way too big, and I missed the focal point as well. Still, I like how the bougainvillea "flower" (the purplish bits) is actually made up of leaves, and the real flowers are nestled inside, ignored but still beautiful in its own right.

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I got my new camera strap, it's a Black Rapid Rs-4. I love it! It slings across my body, allowing me to walk around easily, and my camera is accessible with a smooth and quick motion. I took a photo of myself while using that strap. The photo is noisy and the strap can't really be seen. But it's the first photo I've taken of myself with the camera.

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